Our loveliest happening yet:
Our little gem, due tentatively April 25th, 2013!
Oh my, it has been so hard keeping quiet these past several weeks. When we first found out, I wanted to sing it from the rooftops- but, we wanted to wait until we at least saw it on an ultrasound and heard a steady heartbeat. It's also just been nice to have a really big secret that is just ours for the keeping for a while. We are surprised, nervous, but absolutely over the moon to welcome this sweet new baby!
I was very, very thorough. ha! |
I am currently just about 12 weeks along (first trimester nearing the end!!!!!!!!!). I started getting morning sickness at about 6 weeks. The term 'morning sickness,' in my opinion, is a vast misrepresentation of what actually happens, because it really should be called 'all-day-long-and-into-the-night sickness.' At least, that has been my experience. No, it is not fun, and at some moments it makes you wonder just what the hell you got yourself into, but I know that it will soon pass and I'll be holding a wee one in my arms before I know it. Plus, if anything it means the babe is developing normally. (:
Things that have been my saving grace thus far:
- french fries/anything that has to do with a potato
- grilled cheese sandwiches/anything that has to do with cheese
- Jamba Juice
- milkshakes
- skittles
Things that make me want to yack:
- spaghetti (red sauce)
- chicken
- salad
- garlic
- mexican food (sometimes)
- things that smell
Basically, I've been living off of a 3 year-old's diet, eating things that I'd normally never be able to stomach- like Sonic and Taco Bell. Meat in general just sounds..
heavy. And gross. The thought, smell, or picture of certain foods makes me want to vomit. I had a dream about cinnamon rolls the other night and woke up craving them SO badly, but later on in the day I saw a picture of them in a magazine and quite literally gagged.. what?
And toothpaste! ewewewew. Our cat, Socrates, who is my bathroom buddy when I'm getting ready in the morning, laughs at me with his little kitty eyes as he watches me gag brushing my teeth. It's routine. He's a snarky little feline. I really just don't understand these funny pregnancy hormones of mine. Thank the good lord above that I haven't thrown up at all, it's just been really intense nausea, cramping, and fatigue.
Speaking of getting up in the morning, it has been quite the chore trying to go to work and stay there all day. To be honest, it's an absolute mystery to me how women are expected to function normally during such a huge transformation in their bodies. Maybe I'm just the biggest wimp in the world, but seriously, you can't even begin to imagine the foul smells that permeate through the walls of an elementary school..
Not. Okay.
My boobs hurt. Also, I have to pee every 5 minutes and am told my uterus is currently slightly bigger than a grapefruit. I love the food comparisons they give you, like, "Oh, your baby is now the size of a Lima bean," or "the embryo resembles a cocktail shrimp." I am proud to say that we have now progressed to FRUIT! Our little prune/lime baby. Lovely.
Well, that's about it- I hope I don't sound whiny and annoying. I really do feel blessed to have made it this far and that this little light of mine is beaming away inside.
I can't wait to see David as a daddy. He really is so sweet with kids and there's no doubt in my mind that he is going to be a magnificent father to our little one. (:
I just can't believe that someday these little shoes will be filled:
-"These hills will swallow happy things with their bellies full to bursting."